Edit invitation text

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Invitation text can be edited and invitations can be sent from the Barometer administration module. The module can be started directly from the ‘Welcome’ screen of the account management section or by selecting 'Barometer' in the module selection on top of the page. Then, select in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen 'Invitation'.

This page consists of the following elements:

- a link to send the invitation (see: Send invitations to Partners (collective and individual))

- a text box used to edit the invitation text.

Editing the invitation text is a simple process that is similar to editing text in MS Word. However, keep additional formatting to a minimum to avoid causing problems for people who do not have the most up-to-date email software. You can also edit the email’s subject line. The standard text for the subject line is: "Tourism Barometer (Name of city or region)", e.g.: "Tourism Barometer Amsterdam".

As well as standard text, the following tag can also be entered: {loginlink}.

This tag ensures that the system automatically creates a link to the Data entry module page when the invitation is sent.

Used in Barometer

Back to Account Administrator section or Barometer Administrator section